About Chine Publishing

Chine Publishing was set up by Mark Chessell to produce books which fill significant gaps in the transport history literature for this beautiful and diverse county of England. Mark’s late parents and grandparents were born and brought up on the Isle of Wight and he has acquired an intimate knowledge of and affection for this wonderful island over the past sixty years. Since retiring Mark has used much of his spare time to deepen his understanding of Isle of Wight transport history and to share this material with a wider audience.

Our main focus is on road transport history and Chine Publishing has sought to publish titles which appeal both to transport enthusiasts and people interested in Isle of Wight history. A key aspect of our approach is to unearth rare and fascinating photographs that illustrate how various motor vehicles have served individuals, businesses and local communities over the years. It is hoped that this material will stimulate some further research by others in the future.

A chine is a steep sided valley containing a small river which runs through coastal cliffs into the sea. Chines have been created and are still evolving as part of the geological history of southern England. They are rare nationally but there are around twenty such features along the south coast of the Isle of Wight including Shanklin Chine, Luccombe Chine, Blackgang Chine, Whale Chine and Brook Chine. The name Chine Publishing has been chosen for its strong association with the Isle of Wight.

Our titles may be purchased through many book shops, museums and gift shops as listed on the News Page. Alternatively our books may be ordered online via the Chine Publishing website. Secure package and postage are free of charge within the UK.